Priya Law House


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"Handwriting Forensics" delves into one of the oldest and most frequent forms of scientific evidence presented in courts, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject to address its complexities and controversies effectively. The book explores the field of document photography, digital imaging, and the challenges associated with them, including the potential for modification. It also examines various evaluation systems for comparing handwriting to ensure accurate identification. By equipping readers with tools for achieving objectivity and minimizing subjective assessment, the book aims to enhance the reliability of handwriting analysis.

Moreover, the book discusses the increasing use of computers in document forensics, addressing their role in creating false documents, detecting falsity, and presenting evidence in court. It covers various aspects of computer use, including imaging, segmentation, measurement, and data comparison, making it a valuable resource in the field of Handwriting Forensics.

The book covers the entire spectrum of handwriting identification, from the development of handwriting to identification characteristics and principles, the identification process, and distinguishing between genuine, forged, disguised, or anonymous handwriting. Written in accessible language and supplemented with real-life cases and diagrams, the book is designed to assist judges, lawyers, investigators, experts, and others involved in the evaluation of handwriting, ultimately contributing to the administration of justice.